How to Clean And Restore Tenmoku Teaset

How to Clean And Restore Tenmoku Teaset

You can have a beautiful Tenmoku teaset for many years if you take good care of it. Here are some simple tips on how to keep your set clean:

 Don't use any detergents or bleach while cleaning the teapot
In order to protect your set, you should be careful not to use any detergents or bleaches while cleaning the teapot. Instead, use warm water and a soft cloth to clean it. If you want to get rid of stubborn stains on the surface of your pot, try to use baking soda and water to remove them.

Don't leave water in your teapot after cleaning it
You should never leave water in your teapot after cleaning it, as doing so will damage the enamel coating on both the inside and outside surfaces of the pot. To prevent this from happening, make sure that after cleaning out all of your tea leaves (and whatever else was previously inside) that you fill up your empty pot with hot water instead of dirtying another dish with excess moisture!

If you are using a bamboo whisk, be sure not to soak the whisk in water too long. The next step is to wash each piece, using warm water and a soft towel. It will prevent the teacups glaze from chipping or peeling off. Be sure to dry it with a soft cloth or sponge; if you don't want any scratches on your teapot!

For those who prefer an extra-clean teapot, it's also possible to clean it by hand. You can use warm water and dip your finger in, then rub it on the inside of your pot (just make sure not to touch any metal parts).

If there is any stubborn stain,like tea-grease, just mix some baking soda with water to clean it with a soft cloth.

Baking soda is non-toxic and safe to use on ceramics, porcelain and glassware. It’s also very inexpensive; you can buy it at any grocery store or supermarket. Baking soda is environmentally friendly since it breaks down quickly when exposed to air or water (unlike many other cleaning products).

When you are done using the teapot, make sure that there is no water left in the teapot. Otherwise it will get moldy easily.

Don't store your teapot with water inside.

Water will evaporate slowly and create a humid environment which can lead to mold growth on the surface of your tea set.

Don't leave water inside the teapot after you wash it and don't let any other liquid stay inside this container as well.

For example, if you want to keep some leftover tea leaves after brewing them into fresh tea, strain them before storing them inside your tenmoku pot so that they don’t drip out when handling or washing later on! You should also take care not to put any ice cubes or ice water directly into your pot either because these kinds of things can cause cracks over time due to sudden changes in temperature from hot/cold liquid (which causes stress fractures).

In order not to leave water stains on the inside of the teapot, fill it with hot water for about 15 seconds every time after you washing it. This not only keeps your teapot warm but also helps keep it clean and dry. In addition, by keeping your hands warm and dry when handling tea utensils you will prevent contamination from bacteria growth. Soaking your tea set in hot water for a few minutes before use makes it easier to clean as well, which can be beneficial because this prevents you from having to scrub too hard at any stubborn dirt or stains that may be present on your tenmoku ware tea set.

Take some simple steps will keep your Tenmoku teaset clean and beautiful
To keep your Tenmoku teaset looking its best, there are a few simple steps you can take to avoid damage and keep it clean:

Don't use detergents or bleach.

Don't leave water inside the teapot. Although this can be tempting if you want to store tea leaves in your pot, do not allow water to sit in the pot overnight. Bacteria can grow in these conditions, and over time it will affect how well your teapot performs (and smell).

Avoid soaking bamboo whisk too long. A common mistake is leaving bamboo whisks wet after washing them—this is bad for two reasons: First, bamboo absorbs water easily and may warp when exposed to excess moisture. Second, bacteria can start growing on damp surfaces within just hours of being wetted! If there is any stubborn stain left behind after washing (for example tea-grease), simply mix some baking soda with water and rub gently but firmly with a soft cloth until stained area disappears

Tenmoku teapot is a beautiful and traditional Chinese tea set. It is also very easy to maintain, but  youhave to take care of it. The key of restoring is to follow these simple steps and keep your Tenmoku teapot clean so that it can be used for many years!

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