If a man has no tea in him, he is incapable of understanding truth and beauty.

If a man has no tea in him, he is incapable of understanding truth and beauty.


Tea is one of the most important beverages in the world. It's soothing, it's healthy, and you can drink it all day long with no negative side effects. In fact, tea is so important that there are even some cultures that believe if you don't have any tea in your body then you can't understand truth or beauty. That sounds pretty extreme to me, but regardless of whether or not this saying is true: tea is delicious and will make your day better!

- Japanese proverb

Tea is so great that the Japanese have a proverb about it. It's pretty simple:

If a man has no tea in his heart, he is incapable of understanding truth and beauty.

tea is good

Tea is good for you. Drinking tea is an excellent way to start the morning, and it has been proven to improve your immune system, brain function and mental health. Tea also helps with weight loss by boosting metabolism and increasing energy levels. In addition to these benefits, the global economic benefits of tea are staggering: the industry generates over $1 trillion in revenue each year! In many cases this money gets funneled back into society through charities or other initiatives that benefit people around the world.


We hope you enjoyed this collection of tea quotes. It’s important to remember that tea is about more than just drinking a hot liquid; it’s about slowing down and enjoying life with friends and family. So go ahead and pour yourself a cup of your favorite brew, sit back, relax, and enjoy!

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